Current Express Courier service in Mississauga, Toronto, GTA
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Dale LeVarno -  Current Express Courier owner

Dale LeVarno (Owner)

We are located close to Winston Churchill Blvd. and Highway 403 .

Current Express location map

 Current Express Courier Ltd.
 17-4161 Sladeview Cres.
 Mississauga, Ontario, L5L 5R3

 (905) 712-7874

 (905) 712-1800

 Web Site:

 For new accounts and rate info:

 For employment or general inquiries:


Protecting our environment is something we are all concerned with these days. We are sensitive to this need at Current Express Courier and are doing our part to contribute on a daily basis. For 2010 we have undertaken a project to enhance our invoicing process in order to provide a paperless option for those of our clients who want to reduce their paper consumption. Stay tuned for an update on this important initiative and don't hesitate to get in touch with  Dale if you require additional information.

Please contact us to obtain our basic delivery rates, which are competitive in the industry. We strive to be flexible in this area and are happy to tailor custom pricing plans to suit specific client situations.

We would appreciate receiving your feedback - tell us how we're doing, good or bad. We are always open to suggestions as to how we may be able to improve or change our services to provide better overall performance for our clients.

Copyright Current Express Courier Limited 2023
Web Site by: Ken Owttrim